IDS the 2nd!

Good news! I have finally finished my first IDS of making the 3D model of our school. I have completed building the model, and published it on Google Warehouse. I was planning to post it on the Google Earth program itself, but due to the change in Google’s policy, I wasn’t allowed to. The name of my model is ‘Inquiry Hub’ so if you want to see it, you can search for it. Actually I have been facing some problems in the Google Warehouse. When I first posted it, when I click the 3D view on the Google warehouse, It’s was too small. So I decided to make it bigger and upload it. However, the 3D view doesn’t upload. The size stays the same. I can’t even select the location, so if I click the location, it shows a building in the United States when my building is in Canada. I tried various ways but I can’t seem to change those two… If you are reading this, and you have solution for this problem, please leave a comment below. One more thing is that my vice principal thinks that this alone is not enough to earn me a full credit. This is why I decided to continue this project and overlap it with my next IDS, since I don’t want to be procrastinating my 2nd IDS for too long. I plan is to build the simple version of our school’s inside to be able to show the visitors or new comers the inside structures. I’ll also include the garden of our school. When I’m done with this, I will put this into an Iphone app where the user can use ‘bird eyes’ to look around the school, open the roof, and even see the inside structures.

For my next IDS, I have already posted the basic Idea on my last’s last post. In this post, I’ll post my survey that I’m going to make everyone in our school do to write down their opinions of my app idea. Since my next IDS is the IHub app for all the students in the school, I need to gain their permissions. I just want to say that the IHub app I’m going to make will of course, be a good representation of IHub for others, but is actually meant to be a good tool for the IHub students to use during school hours.

This is the Survey:

A Survey for IHub site(IDS)



1. Do you have an Iphone or Ipad?


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, write down any other mobile device you have)




2. Would you prefer the IHub app to be in an internet server site (for computers), or a mobile app?


☐ Internet server site ☐Mobile Apple app ☐Mobile android app

(Explain why)




3. During school hours, which do you use more often; your computer or your mobile device?


☐ Computer ☐Mobile device

(Explain why)




4. In order to provide an easier way to take attendance and take care of your safety in an emergency situation, during school hours, we will use a GPS system and router address to track your whereabouts. It won’t be very accurate, but it will tell us whether you are in the school, or not. Do you feel comfortable and approve of this? (Of course you will have the freedom to turn it off when you don’t want to be tracked, but it will show that you are not in the school.)


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




5. We are planning to include these functions into the IHub site. Do you approve of these?



–       The 3D model of our school that shows app users (including students and other visitors), the structure of our building and where each of our rooms are, in 3D


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       A digital calendar with our teachers’ class schedules and homework.


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       A digital bulletin board with important announcements and news from leadership meetings.(There will be a space on the board where it’s free for students to post interesting news or topics that they want to share with IHub. The important announcements that have been made through real presentations could also be recorded on the bulletin board as a reminder.)


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       Teachers will have authority to send big messages to everyone who are using this program, when they want everyone to gather or want to make important announcements


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       A chatting system that will allow students to easily make contact with other students to work on their projects or share ideas. In order to prevent any unnecessary or inappropriate chats, teachers will have the authority to view all chatting when they want to.


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       A digital space where pictures and videos of our school events will be uploaded for people to see


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       A digital space where the topics and descriptions of everyone’s Inquiry projects or IDSs will be posted, in order to make it easier for students to be aware of other students’ ideas, and cooperate or share their ideas and opinions with each other


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




–       A digital discussion space where big online discussions from InHub, teachers, or any students could be made


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)




6. When this site is made, do you think it will be a convenient and useful tool for you?


☐ Yes ☐No(If No, explain why)





7. Do you have any other suggestions for the functions or things you would like to have in our IHub site and mobile app?


-The End

If there are any suggestions please comment.

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